Cytek Biosciences spectral Flow Cytometry :A full spectrum of solutions from immune cells deep characterization to small particles sorting.
The Cytek Aurora™ CS system was built with the scientist in mind, leveraging the power of Full Spectrum Profiling™ technology in a flexible and easy-to-use platform that meets the diverse needs of your laboratory, while delivering the sorting functionality you would expect from a high-end sorter.
The Cytek Aurora™ CS system provides remarkable flexibility, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without requiring the reconfiguration of the detectors. Sharing the same optical system as the Cytek Aurora™ analyzer allows for the easy transfer of experiments from the analyzer to the Aurora™ CS system without the need to modify your panels. The state-of-the-art optics and low-noise electronics ensure high resolution and high sensitivity for identifying and isolating rare cell populations deep into the gating hierarchy.
The result is a system that delivers exceptional performance at the single-cell level which can resolve the most challenging cell populations, such as cells with high autofluorescence or low expression of key biomarkers, regardless of assay complexity. Equipped with advanced sorting features and monitoring tools, the Cytek Aurora™ CS system can isolate viable and functional cells for downstream studies as well as small particles such as EVs.

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